Spend less on interest. Spend more to make your house a home.

Congratulations on finding your new home! Or perhaps you're looking to refinance your current mortgage. Take the next step with a MECU mortgage at a low rate.

帐户类型 基准利率 APR*(低至) Monthly Payment** ($150,000 贷款金额)
30年期固定利率 6.875% 6.971% $985.39
20年固定利率 6.500% 6.624% $1,118.36
15年期固定利率 6.125% 6.279% $1,275.94
10年期固定利率 6.125% 6.342% $1,674.74
10/1 ARM (adjustable rate) 6.500% 6.789% $992.02
7/1 ARM (adjustable rate) 6.375% 6.808% $994.63
5/1 ARM (adjustable rate) 6.125% 6.792% $995.19
3/1 ARM (adjustable rate) 5.500% 6.765% $995.13
30年期固定利率 6.625% 6.816% $960.47
20年固定利率 6.250% 6.497% $1,096.39
15年期固定利率 5.875% 6.182% $1,255.68
10年期固定利率 5.875% 6.310% $1,655.91

亚洲体育博彩平台 more about other 房屋贷款 项目.


*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Conventional loan rates, based on a 80% Loan to Value ratio. While this page is updated regularly, rates are subject to change. Your actual rate may be higher based on your credit score, 贷款金额, 还款期限, 抵押品, credit history and ability to repay. Subject to verification of 抵押品. Adequate property and flood insurance is required. MECU membership required.

** Monthly Payment amount is based on a $150,000 贷款金额 for principal plus interest at the lowest available APR and does not include taxes and insurance which will increase your monthly payment. The monthly payment amount for our Adjustable Rate 抵押贷款 (ARMs) reflects the "fully indexed" payment excluding taxes and insurance. For a  complete estimated monthly payment schedule, use our 检查率 工具.

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Program Disclosure
Handbook on Adjustable Rate 抵押贷款
首页 Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Notice